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Dear, Arwen...

Our littlest darling, you are very nearly one years old, and what a beautiful year you have given us. You were born to Robbie Williams - I love my life, playing in the back ground, which is quite fitting actually, because you do - love your little life. You are such a happy, content little soul. You love to make people laugh and smile and you love being cheeky. You’ve been a perfect baby, just like both of your siblings. From the beginning you rarely ever cried, which infuriated me with each of you because that newborn cry is just so darn cute! You were just so beautiful. All I wanted to do was sit and stare at you all day long - I mean that’s just how it should be! You had the biggest cheeks I’ve ever seen, infact, you still do. They are just so squishy and kissable. And you have the chunkiest legs to match! Just delicious! Your big sister Aoife, and big brother Everly simply adored you from the very first second they saw you. Their eyes were so full of amazement at their new

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